In the Tomb with Jesus
“Lines for the Tomb” by Bella One thing I forgot to add to my last post because it occurred to me the other night just before I fell asleep and then I didn’t remember it until today…. Bella and Sophie...
View ArticleToday
Today Lucia had her follow up visit with the pediatrician. She’s back up to her birth weight and the heart murmur they were keeping an eye on has closed. She is a perfectly healthy little girl and a...
View ArticleFree play
1. Why I Love Why Melissa Wiley’s beautiful essay on one of the more trying periods of motherhood: the “why?” phase. At its heart, that’s where the incessant why comes from: a sense of wonder, a sense...
View ArticleThe Antique Sisterhood: Sixpence in Her Shoe
< Sitting int he lobby at Bass Pro Shop while Dom picks up some campling supplies and takes the kids to see the fish. I got to sit on a comfy couch and put my feet up, listen to the soothing sounds...
View ArticlePope Awesome and Other Stories
Pope Awesome and Other Stories One of the nice perks of my husband being the producer of a Catholic radio show is that he gets copies of Catholic books. And sometimes those books make their way home...
View ArticleFirst Confession!
We were chatting with Father Matt after Mass today and as he was asking about how everything is going, we happened to mention that Bella had been preparing for her first confession and telling him she...
View ArticleSalt and Light: The Call to Discipleship Today, Now
The Calling of St Peter and St Andrew by James Tissot This morning Father Currie opened his homily with an anecdote. A boy asked him what he does when he’s not being a priest. And Father replied that...
View ArticleThe Little Oratory Giveaway– Winner Announcement
ELisa has won. Yay Elisa!!!! I wish I could give a copy of the book away to everyone who entered. If you do decided to go ahead and buy a copy… consider buying through my affiliate link: The Little...
View Article“Nobody Likes the Tangerines”–Reinventing the Liturgical Year
“Nobody likes the tangerines,” says the Doctor to Father Christmas Sunday morning on our way to Mass Dom commented on the sign at the corner pharmacy advertising Valentines Day merchandise, wondering...
View Article“Two Happy Little Boys”
Recently I checked a Mother Goose collection out of the library, My Mother Goose by David McPhail. I’m not sure why since we already own several nursery rhyme collections. But I like looking at new...
View ArticleAutonomy is the child’s secret dream
Illustration from Coot Club, one or Arthur Ransome’s Swallows and Amazons novels. Autonomy Is the Child’s Secret Dream: Free-Range Books, Competence, and Constraint For some time I’ve been aware of...
View ArticleKicking the Devil Down the Stairs: St Michael, Superheroes, Swords, and...
A mom in one of my Facebook groups is — understandably— concerned that her six year old boy is suddenly obsessed with the devil, talking about him constantly, asking lots of questions about the devil,...
View ArticleChild-Size Dangers: A Training Ground for the Young
Jabberwocky illustration by John Tenniel, via Wikimedia Commons Part One: A Training Ground for the Young In the Dresden Files short story collection Brief Cases there is a short story titled “Zoo Day”...
View ArticleChild Sized Dangers Part Two: Better Drowned Than Duffers
Arthur Ransome’s juvenile novel Swallows and Amazons opens with the receipt of a telegram. Roger and the other Walker children have been waiting eagerly for the response from their father to their...
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